Saturday, August 22, 2009

Common Societal Beliefs About Homeschooling

There are certain common beliefs in our culture that are just accepted “as is”. Rarely do people challenge these beliefs, and if someone should challenge them, then those people are considered “weird”, strange” or the “fringe of society”.

We, as parents, of course want what’s best for our children. But sometimes it’s hard to see or do what’s best – especially if the negative side we are trying to protect our children from is either a gradual accumulation, or the negative is thought to be the norm.

Schooling for our children falls under these common beliefs. It is accepted that children go to school, whether public or private. Along with this belief about going to school is the common perception that schools know how to teach, and that schools know the best curriculum and books for our children. To have anything but this for your child’s education is looked upon as not doing the best by your child, and goes against these commonly-held societal beliefs.

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